New Year new Running blog

Hello! pleased new Year!! I actually love new Year’s Resolutions and fresh starts so I’m thrilled for a whole new list of goals to try and accomplish this year.

I started my 2015 the way I start many days… with a run and an eat.
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I stopped at the store on the way home because I needed to start the year best with watermelon.

And now I’m hydrating like it’s my job.

Now it’s time to set some goals for 2015!! Who’s with me?

Wait. Not so fast – I ought to probably review my 2014 resolutions real fast.

My #1 goal was to run 14 races. Um, completely blew that one out of the park! I actually ran 10 full marathons and 7 half marathons and the best relay race and a 10k! Boom.

Check out my Race Recaps page for all the info!

My 2014 Resolutions:

1. Run 14 Races. Hotový.

2. pr in the Marathon. Fail. but I also didn’t really train for it. THIS YEAR I will DO IT.

3. lose the last 10 pounds. Hotový! I feel like I am at a terrific place with intuitive eating. Yes, I eat a lot. I run a lot. That balance works for ME best now in my life and I’m pleased with it.

4. dress better. Well, this is subjective but I did throw out all my tragic clothes. I reorganized my closet. Stitchfix has really helped me step up my game. and I do think I know how to dress for my body type and coloring at the very least.

I have realized that I feel better when I’m dressed better and love shopping and getting out of yoga pants now. Hotový.

5. figure out my 5 year plan. I did it! But, then my life script got flipped and I need a ‘do-over’. That’s alright though. now I know I am capable of being responsible enough to plan.

6. Love. I said I wanted to ‘love God, my family, friends, strangers… more’. I just wanted to lead my life from a loving place. Ironically, this has been the hardest love year of my life. but I feel like this is a success on some level because I have really tried to be a better person.

2015 Goals:

1. pr in the Marathon. I feel like I need this so hard.

2. stop drinking diet soda. cut back on gum to 2 pieces a day. <- These are both just bad practices I do in excess and there is nothing about them that is redeeming. I do nothing in moderation so it’s hard for me to just have one diet DP instead of a whole bucket of it… I will drink diet soda as a mixer, but I’m not going to drink it straight up. 3. read the Bible cover to cover. I’m familiar with the book, but haven’t read it all. 4. Be pleased and grateful and loving. everyday we get to choose if we are going to have a good attitude and be kind or not – I choose joy. Question: What are your goals for 2015? Pošlite mi zošit Zachrániť Zdieľanie je starostlivosť! zdieľam Tweet Pin zdieľam Pošta zdieľam Neustále si ich vyberte: 2020 goals - new everything but also Back to Blogging 2020 goals - new everything but also Back to Blogging Ahoj!! ako sa máš? I spent some time over the last 2 weeks really thinking about my new Year’s Resolutions and goals f Your Runner, Eater, reader Questions- Insta story (Jan part 2) Podcast Your Runner, Eater, reader Questions- Insta story (Jan part 2) Podcast Your questions on running, blogging, hair, strength training and more! I'm answering all the questions that came in this pleased new Year from Run eat Repeat! pleased new Year from Run eat Repeat!Teší Nový rok !! Som späť z voľna voľna a chcem vám poslať najlepšie priania na 2022. Chýbali ste mi a blogovanie a f Otázky a odpovede o intuitívnom stravovaní a bingingu, návrhy na letný beh a ďalšie! Otázky a odpovede o intuitívnom stravovaní a bingingu, návrhy na letný beh a ďalšie! Prevádzka Food Fitness Intuitívne stravovacie otázky a odpovede. Návrhy na letný beh, čo robiť, ak ste v depresii a Bežecká sprchovacia nádrž na žralok a sú dátumy obedov ... dátumy? Bežecká sprchovacia nádrž na žralok a sú dátumy obedov ... dátumy? Ahoj! Ako to ide? Stačí sa prihlásiť s mojím obľúbeným behom a jedlom z tohto víkendu! Čo robiš? najprv Nikdy som nikdy nehral pre bežcov 2. kolo Nikdy som nikdy nehral pre bežcov 2. kolo Nikdy som nikdy nehral pre bežcov @runeAtrepeat, pretože som si vzal svoj prvý DNF na maratón Long Beach, je čas hry! H ⚡ Shareaholic .

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