Motivation Monday–Pie Day

hello and happy Monday! This morning the sky was gloomy and drizzly on my boot camp. We were able to find some cover to do HIIT and strength moves though. You don’t need a lot of space to get a good work out in! Then, I ran a slow 4 miles. My legs are tired. […]

Race discount rate Codes for October

Hello! Today I’m sharing some much more race discount rate codes! #Boom But yesterday vegas wasn’t sharing anything – particularly the remote. Moje najnovšie videá Then She Was Gone – book Review A great listen – book as well as Podcast evaluation series Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell – offered on Audible, Amazon […]

Telesný tuk piatok

Hej a potešený piatok! Prešiel som do telocvične (je to len niečo nad míľu ďaleko) a dnes ráno som si vytvoril silné cvičenie. Telocvičňa bola prázdna! Milujem, keď je telocvičňa prázdna – je to zlé? Ak je to označené, vesmír ma dnes ráno dostal späť do stupnice. Pochybujem, že som tento týždeň získal 2 libry, […]

3 component Pumpkin Cookies recipe

prepared for the simplest cookie recipe of your life? Oh, as well as it can be made in different methods to transform from pumpkin cookies to chocolate chip (or your favorite)! I originally got this recipe as a healthy cookie choice from an old ww diet plan friend as 2 component cake mix cookies. however […]

Let’s Make a Toast!

This morning I made a toast. Well, actually I made two slices of toast ? One was cinnamon toast with sugar and the other was PB and banana on Ezekiel raisin bread. fun fact: When I gotten this bread from TJ’s the checker person tried to talk me out of it. He said they have […]

This is why you’re bad

“This is why you’re poor” is my extremely own version of “This is why you’re fat“ Bowl of cherries (plus seconds) at $4.50 a pound Moje najaktuálnejšie videá Dostal som test Covid-19 Getting a Coronavirus test – exactly how it works, what it feels like, my experience as well as more. I got the standard […]

25 dní fyzickej zdatnosti december 2014 začína teraz!

Ahoj! Práve som mal ten najlepší deň visiaci v Mexickom zálive. Cítil by som sa neuveriteľne elegantne, keby to nebolo pre pravdu, že sa naša loď zlomila. Ha! Vážne. Ale predtým, čo sme mali veľa zábavy – bol to ohromujúci deň X1000. Moje najaktuálnejšie videá Deň maratónu 5. Deň 5 Marathon Training Running Blog – […]

Fro-Yo as well as Playboy

This afternoon I was craving popcorn like no other. I made a decision to put on any type of motion picture as an reason to eat it (some foods go much better with ambiance!). I discovered forest Gump on TV! Score! But, the timing was regrettable as well as Ben stated I shouldn’t put the […]