Enchilada Casserole and FAT Tuesday!

Okay, let’s go back to yesterday for a minute when I went grocery shopping and scored this case of seltzer at smart Co. And I made salsa chicken in the crockpot. But, I make this fairly typically so I chose to use the meat for chicken enchilada casserole. in some cases my grandma would make […]

January Challenge: Meatless Mondays

I want to make 2010 my healthiest year ever as well as I have a great deal of health and wellness associated goals that I want to integrate into my life. I made a decision instead of overwhelming myself with 12 different things, I would take one step toward a healthier life each month. One […]

Is that a banana in your purse?

I am currently flying high above the clouds on my method back to MD. But, before I got on the airplane flight terminal security stopped me since of a suspicious product in my handbag – a banana. I can only envision what they believed it was, however Ben’s random comment of the day is: Ben: […]

Cheat Day Saturday

Ben has been working out much more as well as did a great workout today so he suggested pizza as well as wings for dinner. far be it for me to turn down pizza so I agreed ? however – we chose that Saturday will be our “Cheat Day” however the rest of the week […]

I Ran a Marathon and Sunday set Up

Hello! I ran a marathon this morning. I kinda wish “run a marathon” was my only new Year’s Resolution so I could cross it off my list and go on with my life… (Finish was about 3:56:xx) Moje najnovšie videá Deň maratónskeho výcviku 3 Deň maratónskeho výcviku 3 Viac videí 0 sekúnd po 51 sekundách […]

Couch to 10 Miles

last week I signed up for the big Sur 10 Miler on April 29th. By some random twist of events Ben agreed to do the race with me?! Well, it’s not completely random as I sold him on the epic road trip up the coast to get to big Sur like the one we took […]

Hromada na míle sobota Skontrolujte

Hej !! Mal som najhorší sen, že Run Eat Eat Oper bol na oslavu, rovnako ako s tým som nemohol nič urobiť, okrem pitia, aby mi nechali nechty urobiť, ako aj tak, ako sa to nedeje. Boo. b Potreboval som, aby ma niekto prebudil z chudobného snu, ako je táto mačka mamičky … Moje najnovšie […]

Bezplatný beh protokol, ako aj plánovač stravovania pre bežcov

úplne bezplatný tlačiteľný bežecký protokol, ako aj plánovač stravovania, ktorý vám pomôže spustiť to najlepšie! Vyplňte typ uvedený nižšie a získajte protokol behu a začnite dnes. Váš bežný protokol môže byť jedným z najlepších nástrojov, ktoré musíte skončiť ako oveľa lepší bežec. Využitie každodenného protokolu behu a jeho pravidelné hodnotenie vám poskytuje veľa informácií o […]

Weight Loss Wednesday – Lisa’s story

After the fantastic success of Liam’s weight loss story, I decided to make Weight Loss Wednesdays a routine function on RER. If you have a weight loss success story you’d like to share please email me at runeatrepeat@gmail.com. Lisa’s Weight Loss Story Lisa Before: MY latest VIDEOS Jessica Simpson memoir – open book review Review […]

Running Vest as well as Chickpea Casserole

This morning I added one more layer to my running gear – a vest! This isn’t really indicated to be a “running” vest per se, however I needed something else to keep me warm without making me overheat. It worked perfectly! Before I left for my run I ate a little bowl of cereal. I […]