Running Bites

Last night Ben and I went to his work holiday party at some fancy restaurant in Irvine. I would have paid attention to the name if I was a good food blogger or at least looked it up on the invite if I wasn’t so lazy. Oh well.

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This picture isn’t blurry it’s just how I look after a lot of champagne…

I started with a glass of champagne as everyone got there/met.

Once we were seated the waiters brought out freshly baked bread. The smell was irresistable. Then, they kept refilling the basket and announcing, “Freshly baked bread!” when they set it down near me. Yeah, I dominated that thing.

I started with the salad, but stole Ben’s clam chowder because it was better.

For my main course I got the Salmon. It was good, but Ben got the pasta and it stole the show again!

Desserts were preselected so they just alternated giving every other person a chocolate or a vanilla-y mousse. I said a little prayer and chocolate was set down before me

This morning I slept in for the first time all week (until 7)! Ah. I needed that. When I finally peeled myself out of bed I got ready for a run: clothes, food, shoes, bathroom. Not in that order.

I had 15 on the schedule but my legs have been dragging considering that Thursday. I cut it to 13ish and berated myself about it for a bit. Bah. I lost my running mojo. My last 3 long runs have been really crappy and all my runs this week were unpleasant. I’m frustrated because mentally and physically I’m in a funk.

I think I need a new goal to work towards and a a lot more well rounded training program. I am going to look over my new running goals and figure out a way to fight the funk.

In other news, I always think runners who “run in place” while waiting for the light to change are so weird. Really? You need to jump up and down on the corner because heaven forbid you take 10 seconds of rest?

Well, today I realized I’m the weirdo when I used the stop light time to stretch. Re-enactment of a runner with no social skills…

“Don’t mind me, just doing some yoga poses along this public street…”

After the run I headed to whole Foods for some detox juice. I’m hoping this cleanses me of bad runs…

And hot bar food!

I also hit up the hot dessert bar. I shouldn’t have, but I’ve also lost my healthy eating mojo lately? I don’t know what my deal is but I just want to eat junk and cut runs short. “Monica, get it together!”

To address the ‘Running Bites” title… I nearly got bitten by a pet dog on my run today! less than one mile into my run I approached a lady walking two dogs. One pet dog was on the lawn and the other was on the sidewalk. As I got closer she didn’t step her pet dog from the middle of the sidewalk so I was about to step on the lawn opposite her other pet dog to go around them. (She seemed lost in her thoughts, but it’s hard for me to believe she didn’t hear me barreling towards them, I’m not a Gazelle – you can hear me coming!)

Her sidewalk pet dog had too much slack on the leash and lunged toward my leg making contact! I screamed and leaped out of the way. She was not paying attention and my scream/her dog’s growl finally woke her up. I kept running a few yards before I stopped to check my ideal calve (adrenaline made me want to keep going).

It only had pet dog saliva on it, no bite. But, that is ridiculous. If your pet dog tries to bite people you must be paying attention when you walk them on a public sidewalk at all times! She didn’t even yell sorry or anything.

I understand not all dogs are nice, but if your pet dog lunges at people you need to control them on walks. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to try and jump out of the way of a pet dog on a leash. I’ve nearly twisted my ankle jumping onto uneven lawn for this exact reason.

I have dogs and I pay attention when I’m walking them. I realize when a fellow walker tenses up at the sight of my dogs and I pull them in a little closer to put that person at ease. I know one of my dogs likes to sniff little boys, so I hold his leash tighter around little guys so he is not able to reach them.

I understand mistakes happen and maybe she was lost in her thoughts with some pretty severe stuff, so I’m letting this one go. but the pet dog made mouth to skin contact and I needed to vent.

Question: Thoughts?



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